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About HootHood

HootHood are 10,000 collectible designed as a tribute to popular Moonbirds NFT.

Hoots are 2D art images, generated 1 to 1 with Moonbirds. Created from 260 handmade reworked traits to give new HD look to the OGs of NFT. As in the original there are some rarer Hoots : golden, ruby skeleton, cosmic, enlightened, glitch and jade.

There are exactly 10,000 Hoots available to mint in total. No more can be created. Hoots are stored as ERC-721 tokens on the Polygon blockchain and hosted on IPFS.

There is burning mechanism implemented to the actual collection due to migrating to new contract. You will recieve the exact same NFT as you burned.

Comparsion of Original and Hoot

Moonbird #4835

Moonbird #4835

Hoot #4835

MoonHoot #4835

Burning of MoonHoots will be done through and will start 01.11.2023.

When you burn your MoonHoot, you will recieve the same NFT as you burned.


Here is link for burning page :

After burning all 6472 NFTs, remaining 3528 NFTs will be set as a free mint.


Old -

New -

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